Geeks Go Greek Read online

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  Her skin looked smooth, but flushed from all the panicking and her hair was awful – pulled back from her face with a towelled headband covered in more gunk. She tugged it off, trying to ruffle up some waves but got limp instead. Served her right for not drying her hair after the shower.

  Then it hit her again. Zack was really here, and she’d run away and left him.

  A knock sounded at the bathroom door.

  ‘You okay in there?’

  His voice was muffled through the wood, but still sent little prickles of awareness dancing over her skin.

  ‘I’m sure I’ll survive,’ she said shakily. Bugger.

  Her voice wasn’t all that shook. Her hands and knees did too. Why was he there? And why hadn’t he called her?

  But instead of stressing herself out in the bathroom, she could open the door and get answers. Zack beat her to it and marched straight in. His brow was low and those dark eyes sparkled with concern.

  ‘Ciara, it was only a face mask. Trust me, growing up with Elle and her mum I saw enough to give me nightmares,’ he said, then grinned. ‘And to think, most kids got freaked out by Freddy Krueger or Chucky. Not me. They didn’t hold a torch to the multi-coloured gunk faces and cucumber eyed monsters.’

  ‘It was Elle’s idea,’ she said, still shocked senseless that he was even here. And he’d totally just walked in on her in the bathroom. He was Elle’s cousin alright.

  ‘I guessed that much,’ he said, then chuckled again.

  Like he’d not ignored her for days. Like he’d not just left her hanging without a bloody word. Like him showing up here without explanation was the most natural thing in the world.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked without thinking.

  The chuckling stopped and he got all serious in a way that Elle did when she was hiding something and trying to make Ciara believe that she wasn’t.

  ‘The truth, not whatever story you were going to come up with.’ Looked like crabby Ciara had returned, but she didn’t apologise for it. Instead she folded her arms and waited.

  He inhaled slowly, studying her expression and she made sure to show him she meant business. After all, she’d done nothing wrong in Paris. She’d got his cousin home, watched her all night and even left a message apologising when really, it was Elle who’d dragged her out. And now he was here, without so much as a text or call to warn her – as far as she knew anyway. Elle still had her phone.

  Still, she couldn’t hold back how pissed off she was feeling.

  ‘Let’s talk back in the front room. It’s not a conversation for here.’ Zack turned and walked down the hall.

  She followed, even though she probably shouldn’t. Did Elle know he was coming? Was that what the twenty minute phone call the other day was about? At this point she was sick to death of the secrets and the half truths. If Zack brushed her off, she’d go straight to her friends and make them tell her.

  He returned to the chair he’d been in and she noticed the laptop was still open on the coffee table with accounts on the screen. So he was working, that was obvious. But why in Santorini and why now?

  When he realised she wasn’t going to sit, he mimicked her pose and folded his arms across her chest, pissing her off more. ‘Out with it, Zack. I haven’t got all day.’

  Actually, she did and would much rather be here arguing with him than up there having some rough skin treatments.

  ‘Elle called me and asked me to come,’ he said.

  She frowned. ‘Elle?’

  She couldn’t imagine a universe where her friend would ask him to come on their holiday, especially after the arguments she’d witnessed between the two.

  Zack nodded. ‘And I did because I wanted to. I was a dick in Paris and thought what better way to apologise than in person?’

  Her anger melted a little since he seemed sincere. But she was still confused. ‘Why would Elle do that?’

  He shrugged. ‘You’d have a better chance of finding that out than I would.’

  Her cheeks flamed as she realised Elle probably asked him because of what Ciara had said in Paris, that she really liked him. And when they first got here, she couldn’t stop checking her phone. Another pity gesture? Ciara better watch or she was going to win the saddest case of the year award.

  ‘So you came all this way to apologise? Then what?’ Ciara asked. This wasn’t going to be Paris where she had let him walk away and still held a shred of hope. If they were over for good, she needed to hear it even if she didn’t want to.

  ‘That’s right.’ He rose and she couldn’t help notice the way his biceps bulged when he pushed himself out of the chair. Or how his abs became more defined with the effort. ‘Then I was hoping you’d let me make it up to you, but I had a few work things to catch up on first. Lying around all day covered in gunk can’t be much fun.’

  The half-smile was back. Speechless and possibly drooling, she nodded.

  ‘Thought so. Have you had a chance to explore the town yet?’ he asked.

  A head shake was all she managed.

  ‘Great. Go grab a pair of shoes and we’ll head out. I’ll let Elle know.’

  He turned around, treating her to a lovely view of his tanned back. Oh God, she’d gone soft in the head. ‘Wait!’

  He looked over his shoulder.

  ‘I’m a mess. Let me get a shower first?’ Not to mention she was in nothing but clingy shorts and the tee-shirt Gem made for her, which could have been painted on. With all the extra flab she was carrying, a smock top was a must.

  ‘You look gorgeous, Ciara.’ He turned around and stepped so close she could feel his body heat radiating in the air. ‘And this is cute.’

  His fingers traced the neon letters across her breasts until she was at risk of hyperventilating.

  When he flicked over her nipple his expression changed. The humour was gone and replaced with a hunger she recognised. Then she remembered what she’d sexted him in the bathroom of the club in Paris, and every word from their telephone call came back at her until her heart beat so hard she wondered if he could hear it.

  But after everything that happened, she had to make sure she wasn’t reading this wrong. ‘Do you still want me?’

  Chapter Thirteen

  Zack slid his hands down until they rested on her hips. His thumbs did something to her sides until she shivered in his hold, but she didn’t take her eyes off his.

  ‘I didn’t stop, Ciara. Do you still want me?’ he asked, his gaze flicking down to her lips.

  When all she managed in reply was a breathy sigh, she decided in this instance show might be better than tell. Rising on her tip toes she took his face between her palms and pulled him down the rest of the way.

  She meant for the kiss to be passionate, just enough to show exactly how she felt, but it went a bit beyond that when he pulled her hard against him. She opened her mouth and let him in, again and again all the while he melded her closer.

  The next thing she knew her legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands cupped her bum, showing her exactly how creative he could be when he slid his fingers round to her clit. The thin material was barely a dampening barrier and he expertly stroked her into a frenzy. The orgasm built at break neck speed, fast and furiously.

  Zack swallowed her cries, reminding her that they were not alone in this big house and stripping him naked right now and having him inside her was not going to be possible.

  ‘Take me back to the bathroom,’ she said, and Zack obliged.

  Her centre rubbed against his erection as they went and the friction on her oversensitive clit pushed her closer and closer to the edge again.

  When they made it to the bathroom he shut the door, locked it, then pressed her up against it so she was wedged between the wood and him. Zack peeled off her tee-shirt and made quick work of her bra clasp before he put her back on her feet and tugged it off all the way.

  His hands cupped her breasts and then he pinched her nipples, making her moan. Then he started wor
king all the sensitive spots on her neck with his lips, teeth and tongue until she was putty in his hands.

  ‘I’ve dreamt about this every night,’ he said.

  Thoughtlessly, she admitted, ‘me too.’

  ‘Then let’s extend the deadline until the summer’s over. What do you think?’ He pulled away, studying her expression.

  She didn’t care that she was probably wild eyed and so flushed she’d make a tomato jealous of her skin. The way he looked at her made her feel like the sexiest woman alive. ‘I say you have a deal.’

  Another smile was followed by a knee melting kiss that stole her breath, but then he pulled away and cursed.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked.

  ‘I didn’t bring any protection. Honestly, I thought I’d have a lot more grovelling to do before you gave me the time of day again.’ The half-smile was back, making him look a little rueful.

  ‘You don’t have to grovel, not after effortlessly giving me two mind-blowing orgasms.’ She grabbed the top of his shorts and used it to twist him round so they swapped positions. ‘And protection’s not a problem. We don’t need it for what I want to do.’

  She unbuttoned his shorts then dove a hand in. She didn’t have far to reach, he was already close to the point of bursting out of them. She squeezed his erection until his eyes closed on a hiss.

  Ciara didn’t waste any time tugging the material down his hips and even less dropping to her knees. She barely felt it when they cracked against the tile but no doubt she would later. Zack opened his eyes then, meeting hers just as she flicked her tongue out to tease him.

  He threaded his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp just right so that it tingled. Who needed a masseuse when she had him?

  She used her lips next, sucking on the tip of him until his eyes rolled back and his chest heaved. It made her feel powerful. And even more aroused than he was. So she took him in until she almost choked and worked her tongue around him again and again, keeping up a cheek hollowing suction.

  Zack murmured encouragement between gasping for air and with every word, her confidence grew to the point she used her hands to increase the tempo and cup the silky skin beneath. All the while he used his finger tips to caress her head, but he let her set the pace and rhythm.

  When his thighs tensed and his jaw clenched hard, Ciara picked up speed until he pulled his hands away and fisted them at his sides.

  His gaze was crazed as he held hers. ‘I’m there, Ciara.’

  It was a warning to pull away, but she didn’t take it. Instead she welcomed the little warm jets and swallowed every one, soothing him with her tongue as he trembled. When the bittersweet taste of him was gone, she pulled away, impressed that he was still erect.

  With surprising strength, he pulled her off the floor and held her so close his damp skin wedged against her stomach. The kisses he gave her weren’t as purposeful as before, more lethargic and simple, like he had all the time in the world to enjoy her.

  Since they had much more time left than she could ever hope for, she let herself get lost in his drugging kisses.


  When Zack finally let her go and suggested after a quick change they take the quad bikes out for a spin, Ciara happily agreed. They walked hand in hand up to her bedroom but stopped short when they saw Elle and Gem waiting for them at the top of the stairs.

  Elle wrinkled her gunk free nose. ‘I don’t want to know.’

  ‘Like it isn’t obvious,’ Gem said with a grin.

  Ciara’s face got so hot she reckoned she could fry an egg on her cheek.

  Zack laughed and shook his head. ‘Do you mind if I borrow Ciara for the rest of the day?’

  ‘Ew. Just keep the doors and windows shut so we don’t hear anything,’ Elle said, faking a shudder.

  ‘We’re going out,’ Ciara protested.

  Gem shook her head. ‘You are the only woman I know who can’t just relax. Elle, we must have done something wrong during training.’

  Ciara laughed. ‘There’s only so much I can deal with before I go insane. We’re in a beautiful country and just stuck inside these walls.’

  Zack tugged her closer and she turned her head. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll show you the sights.’

  She smiled at him.

  ‘We have reservations at seven.’ Elle glared at Zack. ‘Remember to wear a shirt, it’s a classy place.’

  Ciara wouldn’t mind if he turned up naked, but then she’d probably be arrested for not being able to keep her hands to herself.

  ‘He can go shirtless if he wants. I don’t mind the view,’ Gem said.

  Though she knew her friend was teasing, she still wanted to strip off her tee-shirt and force him into it so Gem would stop staring. After all, it was rude to ogle someone else’s man. Even if he was only hers for the duration.

  ‘I’ll be covered up Elly, don’t worry.’ He led Ciara up the stairs while Elle gaped as if she couldn’t believe he gave in without arguing. ‘You should shut your mouth before flies get in there.’

  At Elle’s stumped expression, Ciara had to press her lips together to keep from giggling.

  ‘Who are you and what have you done with Zack?’ Elle asked.

  He shrugged. ‘You’re letting me take Ireland out without an argument so I’m not going to sweat the small stuff.’

  They walked past her friends and he led her down to her room. At the door, she turned to him expecting more kisses or maybe a little shower soirée, but all he did was circle his thumb around her lips.

  Right, Elle and Gem were probably watching. But somehow the touch and the way his eyes melted when he looked at her felt more intimate than the most passionate of kisses.

  ‘Garage in twenty minutes?’ he asked.

  Well, that left her absolutely no time to get anywhere near glam but she was too impatient to see him again to sweat the small stuff. She nodded, then hit the shower, towelled off, found a pair of tiny denim shorts that hugged her arse instead of choking it and then remembered her hair was a state.

  Thankfully she was good with braids and French pleated away until she had an intricate style that used every inch of her locks. Handy for the heat and it looked pretty. Make-up was out in the midday sun but she had a nice golden sheen and decided sun cream would be enough.

  When she got to the garage, Zack had already got the quads on the road leading away from the house. She wasn’t too disappointed that she wouldn’t get to sit behind him – she’d never been on a quad before and got giddy thinking about racing around on it.

  ‘You’re stunning,’ he said, ditching the bikes and moving closer.

  She was sad to see he’d put on a white tee-shirt, but she’d get it off him eventually.

  Ciara tugged at the pink vest when his eyes took a trip down her body. It wasn’t quite a smock but it was the loosest fit she had with her.

  He took her hands and pulled her close. ‘I like the curves, stop trying to hide them.’

  Good, because it would take a lot more than a baggy top to hide them.

  ‘What’s in the basket?’ she asked to distract him.

  ‘Lunch. I thought we could go into town for a few things then head down to a little cove not far from here. It’s pretty. And… secluded.’

  The way his voice got all deep and husky made her shiver. ‘Can’t wait.’


  After an embarrassing trip to a local pharmacist to pick up ‘supplies’, Ciara was happy to be speeding away from Caldera on the dirt roads into the more rural part of the island. She’d learned to drive the quad fairly quickly, but was nowhere near as good as Zack who could easily keep pace with her.

  ‘It’s not far now, but we’ll have some climbing to do,’ he said, leading her down a windy path surrounded by rocks.

  ‘Climbing and flip flops don’t really go together,’ she grumbled.

  Zack laughed. ‘It’s just a few stones. I’ll carry you if I have to.’

  When they reached the end of the road she sa
w what he meant – although she’d describe the ‘rocks’ as ‘boulders’. Still, they did look smooth. She’d do it in her bare feet if she had to. The secluded part of the plan was that appealing.

  They parked the quads and she went to the edge of the rocks, taking in the gorgeous blue of the ocean. The salty breeze meant the heat of the sun wasn’t overpowering and she had to admit, she’d never been anywhere this beautiful in her life.

  ‘You ready, Ciara?’ Zack asked.

  She turned to see he’d left his tee-shirt on the quad and had the basket in hand.

  ‘Let’s go.’

  He’d been right about the climb being easy, it was the descent to the little cove of beach that worried her. But with Zack’s help she managed to get there unscathed and soon he’d laid out a blanket in the sand and was tugging out boxes filled with goodies. She dug into a moussaka and chicken souvlaki salad while he started with some bread dipped in oil.

  ‘I love the food here,’ she said, switching the first for another olive packed salad and a hunk of the crusty bread.

  Zack picked up the salad she’d abandoned and used her fork to dig in instead of his own. She wondered if this was the kind of thing people in real relationships did, the kind she figured would bore her to tears eventually. Still, it was hard to imagine that now.

  ‘The food’s just a bonus. Santorini’s amazing. I’ll show you the volcano with the thermal springs and we can even take a trip over to Thirassia one day if you want to.’

  It was really hard to imagine ever wanting to leave him, but it was still new and exciting. Promising more, even to herself, would only end up hurting them both.

  But then she remembered the way Elle and Gem had felt sorry for her for liking Zack and curiosity got the best of her. ‘Elle didn’t want us to get together, but I don’t think it had anything to do with me.’

  Then again, maybe it did. If she had someone who was pretty much like a brother to her, would she want him dating her friends?

  He shrugged, but the movement was too jerky to be blasé. ‘You know Elle.’

  Ciara sighed. ‘And you’re just like her. You evade anything you don’t want to talk about.’